Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Gary and Scott

We had visiting dignitaries on the coast today.
Gary F. is a friend we have known since early days in Northern California, but since his move to Phoenix we've been pretty much out of touch.
Scott has changed a bit from the little kid who chased the chickens and cats around the place at Kings Mtn! He is one year younger than Sarah.

Gary and Scott are using spring break to do a 'retrospective tour', introducing Scott to the places and friends from Gary's life in Northern CA including showing Scott where he was born and lived as small boy. Great idea for a trip!

Thanks for stopping in HMB guys, hope the rest of your trip is a blast!

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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

John Jakle exploring the possibilities of the 20 tone scale

Thomas Jakle giving the cat gut a workout at Suzuki class

The Hagstrums in Yosemite

Maya, Kate and Jon in Yosemite.
Is that kid squirming?

Tim M.

Just after I got out of the water at Munyon's
who should come cycling up the beach
but old man Munyon himself

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Monday, March 5, 2007

Sunday 3/5/07 5:15 PM

The strange feel of the afternoon- warm, glassy ocean, no wind, blue light, cold water.
Redondo Beach just north of the Ritz , just south of Munyons' secret spot.

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Doug M. in his natural habitat

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Friday, March 2, 2007

Martin carvin'

This is the weekend we have been
waiting for:
Joe "The Mad Swede" Carlson
is making a visit to salt water,
having tired of breaking ice on
Lake Superior. Ankle slappers
appear to be in the swell forecast for
the weekend, but Joe will undoubtedly
find the rocket pocket and
suck down some aqua-candy.
o mi god.

Stand by for updates!

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