Friday, November 30, 2007

Light Parade

Paradew Photo ALbum Link

Bobbie Simmons Drving - Look out!

Oscar Gift Wrapped

The Half Moon Bay parade of lights took place this evening with the largest crowd in memory looking on. Kings Mountain was strongly represented with a Bronco towed Christmas tree lit with thousands of colored bulbs powered by a 5 KV generator accompanied by 2000 watts of mobile Christmas carol stereo power. Oscar (Phelps) had on his usual flannel lined Christmas package costume, while Bobbie Simmons was lead driver in the posse of Kings Mountain Christmas race cars that set the pace for the parade. Let the shopping begin!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Character Revealed or "Beverly Enjoys the Beach Her Own Way"


Gee, Dan told me there are these things called 'Killer Logs.' Big heavy logs that look safe but get moved by the waves and crush people- or some such silly thing like that-hey! Is that one over there? Think I'll check it out. Hmmm.. easy to balance...let's see... never stand on beach logs, check....never turn your back on the ocean, check!......Whoaaa!!! Wheeee!! Awesome! Can I do it again? No?
OK then, I give killer logs a 'D' for DONE!

Kids: Be don't be Beverly- be safe! Here is the real scoop from the State of Oregon.

"They're called sneaker waves because they appear without warning, often surging high up on the beach with deadly force, and are impossible to predict.
How to play it safe: Never turn your back on the ocean.

Watch those logs The ocean is strong enough to pick up even the biggest log and plop it down on top of you. Some logs may look small, but even the tiny ones can be waterlogged and weigh tons.
How to play it safe: If you see a log in the surf or on wet sand, stay off it
.....Oregon Coastal Saftey excerpt.Read the whole site HERE

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Punkin' Pickers

I know it is late for Halloween pictures, but here is a classic pose that deserves to be shared. John and Thomas, taking a break from heavy pumpkin picking duties on a beautiful fall day with a prize winning squash between them. What's with the bolt cutters, guys? Did you have to go through a fence to get into Farmer Jones' field? Where is your Dad?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cougars Surf Team's First Meet!

The Cougars did very well in their first competetive outing at Santa Cruz on the weekend before Thanksgiving. Great write up in the the HMB Review

Way to go, Doug and Marty!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Practice Cowboy

Lots of cowpokes play the fiddle. Most people don't realize that it takes practice, practice,practice to be able to entertain the boys around the campfire.
And it always pays to wear your sidearm! A cowboy never knows when crooks or rattlesnakes might need shootin'. Here is Thomas, hog leg strapped on his hip, ready for anything. Shin'ichi Suzuki would be right proud of this boy!

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Theory of Everything

It is about time. A surf bum has come up with a unified theory of everything, using the E8 as his inspiration.

The E8 root system consists of 240 vectors in an eight-dimensional space. Those vectors are the vertices (corners) of an eight-dimensional object called the Gosset polytope 421.In the 1960s, Peter McMullen drew (by hand) a 2-dimensional representation of the Gosset polytope 421. The image shown above was computer-generated by John Stembridge, based on McMullen's drawing.
"Garrett Lisi, 39, has a doctorate but no university affiliation and spends most of the year surfing in Hawaii, where he has also been a hiking guide and bridge builder.

In winter, he heads to the mountains near Lake Tahoe, Nevada, where he snowboards. "Being poor sucks," Lisi says. "It's hard to figure out the secrets of the universe when you're trying to figure out where you and your girlfriend are going to sleep next month."

Despite this unusual career path, his proposal is remarkable because, by the arcane standards of particle physics, it does not require highly complex mathematics.

Even better, it does not require more than one dimension of time and three of space, when some rival theories need ten or even more spatial dimensions and other bizarre concepts. And it may even be possible to test his theory, which predicts a host of new particles, perhaps even using the new Large Hadron Collider atom smasher that will go into action near Geneva next year." Quoted from the Telegraph See full text here

Monday, November 5, 2007

Half Moon Bay High School Surf Club is Launched!

Freshmen Mike and Skyler charging hard at a practice for the Half Moon Bay High School Surf Club Saturday at Kelly Street. These photos were shot by the team's coach, pro surf photographer and waterman Doug Acton

The team was recently formed, sparked by Exec Director Marty and is now sanctioned by the league. About 25 kids have turned out with lots of talent and enthusiasm on the part of both parents and kids. With Doug as the coach they will go far!