Monday, December 3, 2007

Secret SpotTrip Report

Well, the reports are in from the Intrepid Thanksgiving Secret Spot Hike-Surf Trippers:

Roark: Epic!
Bob: Great
Eric: Pretty Good
Tim: Never Again

I've never done the trip, but it involves a 7-8 mile hike,including a stretch that must be navigated at low tide. Tough going through loose sand etc. Tim reportedly had to be cajoled with unspecified threats and blandishments in order to induce him to stand again after a trail side collapse. (Hard to believe, but perhaps he IS the sane one!) They had rain, big, (too big) surf that kept them out of the water part of the time, but they were able to score when conditions permitted. Four nights camping on the beach. The packs must have been seriously heavy for enough beer to last that long!
Way to go boys!

Se Roark's Photo Album HERE