Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Doug's Dry Well

Dry Well #2

Dry Well #1

Drywell; also dry·well (drī'wĕl') n.
A subterranean chamber near a building,
having stones or gravel inside and used
to collect rainwater runoff from the
roof of the building as a means of avoiding
soil erosion

Nicholas ascends from the pit and
Doug and Nicholas proudly pose in front of Dry Well #1,
preparing to remove shoring. This is part of a home
improvement contruction project that has clearly
gotten out of hand, but it doesn't matter because
everyone is happy. Doug has lots of new tools and
new purpose in life, Nicholas has steady work
and the whole Mohr clan will one day - a day very soon-
have a vastly improved home. Never heard of a dry well?
Me either, but they exist on the web and in Doug and Beth's
back yard from which all water accumulation problems are
now banished. And as we all know,

(and is now proven by research), digging in dirt

makes you very happy.

View the Doug's Dry Well ALBUM

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